
RB 2002 Tournament

Tournament RB 2002 by Rolf Bühler, Zurich, Switzerland
First published in September 2002 by Kurt Utzinger, Switzerland
Time control: 60/120' + 30/60' + 30', 50 rounds / 6 engines / 150 games
3 x Athlon 1.3/256,. Engine-Matches, Fritz7-GUI, 64 MB hashtables
ponder=off, 3 and 4 men EGTB, own opening books, learning deactivated
List 4.61 with book general.ctg up to round 21, later book cm8.ctg


Final standing after round 50
(generated with Frank Schubert's ELOstat v.1.1)

    Program                            Score     %    Av.Op.  Elo    +   -    Draws

  1 Junior 5.0                     :  32.5/ 50  65.0   2482   2589   83  83   34.0 %
  2 Yace 0.99.56                   :  25.5/ 50  51.0   2499   2505  101  78   26.0 %
  3 Aristarch 4.4                  :  25.0/ 50  50.0   2500   2500   88  88   24.0 %
  4 List 4.61                      :  25.0/ 50  50.0   2500   2500   83  83   32.0 %
  5 Little Goliath 2000 v3.7       :  21.5/ 50  43.0   2508   2459   84  92   26.0 %
  6 Tao 5.4                        :  20.5/ 50  41.0   2510   2447   90  90   22.0 %

RB 2002

1 Junior 5.0
6.0 - 4.0 5.0 - 5.0 6.0 - 4.0 7.5 - 2.5 8.0 - 2.0 32.5 / 50
2 Yace 0.99.56 4.0 - 6.0
6.0 - 4.0 5.0 - 5.0 6.0 - 4.0 4.5 - 5.5 25.5 / 50
3 Aristarch 4.4 5.0 - 5.0 4.0 - 6.0
5.0 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.0 6.0 - 4.0 25.0 / 50 620.00
4 List 4.61 4.0 - 6.0 5.0 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.0
7.5 - 2.5 3.5 - 6.5 25.0 / 50 615.50
5 Little Goliath 2000 v3.7 2.5 - 7.5 4.0 - 6.0 5.0 - 5.0 2.5 - 7.5
7.5 - 2.5 21.5 / 50
6 Tao 5.4 2.0 - 8.0 5.5 - 4.5 4.0 - 6.0 6.5 - 3.5 2.5 - 7.5
20.5 / 50

Erzeugt mit ChessBase 7.0


Individual statistics:

(1) Junior 5.0                  :  50 (+ 24,= 17,-  9), 65.0 %
Aristarch 4.4                    :  10 (+  3,=  4,-  3), 50.0 %
Yace 0.99.56                     :  10 (+  4,=  4,-  2), 60.0 %
Tao 5.4                              :  10 (+  7,=  2,-  1), 80.0 %
Little Goliath 2000 v3.7   :  10 (+  6,=  3,-  1), 75.0 %
List 4.61                            :  10 (+  4,=  4,-  2), 60.0 %


(2) Yace 0.99.56              :  50 (+ 19,= 13,- 18), 51.0 %
Aristarch 4.4                     :  10 (+  5,=  2,-  3), 60.0 %
Junior 5.0                           :  10 (+  2,=  4,-  4), 40.0 %
Tao 5.4                               :  10 (+  4,=  1,-  5), 45.0 %
Little Goliath 2000 v3.7    :  10 (+  4,=  4,-  2), 60.0 %
List 4.61                             :  10 (+  4,=  2,-  4), 50.0 %


(3) Aristarch 4.4             :  50 (+ 19,= 12,- 19), 50.0 %
Yace 0.99.56                      :  10 (+  3,=  2,-  5), 40.0 %
Junior 5.0                           :  10 (+  3,=  4,-  3), 50.0 %
Tao 5.4                               :  10 (+  5,=  2,-  3), 60.0 %
Little Goliath 2000 v3.7    :  10 (+  5,=  0,-  5), 50.0 %
List 4.61                             :  10 (+  3,=  4,-  3), 50.0 %


(4) List 4.61                    :  50 (+ 17,= 16,- 17), 50.0 %
Aristarch 4.4                   :  10 (+  3,=  4,-  3), 50.0 %
Yace 0.99.56                    :  10 (+  4,=  2,-  4), 50.0 %
Junior 5.0                         :  10 (+  2,=  4,-  4), 40.0 %
Tao 5.4                             :  10 (+  2,=  3,-  5), 35.0 %
Little Goliath 2000 v3.7  :  10 (+  6,=  3,-  1), 75.0 %


(5) Little Goliath 2000 v3.7  :  50 (+ 15,= 13,- 22), 43.0 %
Aristarch 4.4                            :  10 (+  5,=  0,-  5), 50.0 %
Yace 0.99.56                             :  10 (+  2,=  4,-  4), 40.0 %
Junior 5.0                                  :  10 (+  1,=  3,-  6), 25.0 %
Tao 5.4                                      :  10 (+  6,=  3,-  1), 75.0 %
List 4.61                                    :  10 (+  1,=  3,-  6), 25.0 %


(6) Tao 5.4                       :  50 (+ 15,= 11,- 24), 41.0 %
Aristarch 4.4                    :  10 (+  3,=  2,-  5), 40.0 %
Yace 0.99.56                     :  10 (+  5,=  1,-  4), 55.0 %
Junior 5.0                          :  10 (+  1,=  2,-  7), 20.0 %
Little Goliath 2000 v3.7   :  10 (+  1,=  3,-  6), 25.0 %
List 4.61                            :  10 (+  5,=  3,-  2), 65.0 %

Games        :    150 (finished)

White Wins   :     56 (37.3 %)
Black Wins   :     53 (35.3 %)
Draws        :     41 (27.3 %)
Unfinished   :      0

White Perf.  : 51.0 %
Black Perf.  : 49.0 %

ECO A =     18 Games (12.0 %)
ECO B =     38 Games (25.3 %)
ECO C =     29 Games (19.3 %)
ECO D =     39 Games (26.0 %)
ECO E =     26 Games (17.3 %)

Comment in English
The tournament RB 2002 is over. Each program had to play 10 games against the other programs. If you look at the cross table, we have a clear winner with Junior 5, a rather equal group of three programs (Yace 0.99.56, Aristarch 4.4, List 4.61) and two less sucessful programs (Little Goliath 2000 v3.7 and Tao 5.4). But this impression is too facile. I would dare say that Junior5 is most probably the strongest engine of all participants, however we can in no way say for sure which of the other five programs is the best one. We have to bear in mind the margin of error, and if doing so it becomes clear that statistically spoken any of the programs in the RB 2002 tournament could have tied first place. An insufficient number of games has been played in this tournament to say something concrete. An example: Little Goliath 2000 v3.7 won with 7,5-2,5 vs Tao 5.4 but nobody knows if the result of the next 10 games between these two programs would not be 2,5-7,5 in favour of Tao 5.4.

And look at the further interesting statistic. If we divide the 50 rounds RB 2002 into five separate tournaments of 10 rounds each, we can see - what a surprise - that each program with the exception of Tao 5.4 would once have been the winner.

In my opinion one must be very cautious in stating that program A is better than program B. And without carefully studying the qualitiy of all games played in this RB_2002 tournament, I can only say: it was just another tournament

Kommentar in Deutsch
Ein interessantes Turnier ging zu Ende. Die Tabelle sollte nicht falsch interpretiert werden. Wohl sieht es so aus, als ob Junior5 tatsächlich das stärkste Programm aller Teilnehmer ist. Statistisch betrachtet wurden jedoch zu wenig Partien gespielt und die Fehlerquote in Betracht ziehend, hätte jedes Programm den ersten Rang belegen können. Und was sagen Resultate wie LG2000 v3.7 - Tao 5.4 mit 7,5-2,5 aus? Wenig, denn die nächsten 10 Partien könnten umgekehrt verlaufen. In diesem Sinne ist lehrreich, das Turnier in fünf separate Turniere von je 10 Runden aufzuteilen. Dann sieht man, dass mit Ausnahme von Tao 5.4 jedes Programm einmal als Sieger vom Platz gegangen wäre.

Nach meiner Erfahrung ist es schwierig geworden zu behaupten, Programm A ist besser als Programm B. Und ohne die im RB_2002 Turnier gespielten Partien qualitativ zu untersuchen, wage ich keine Aussage ausser: Es war einfach ein Turnier von vielen

(generated with Shane Hudson's Scid v3.2)

RB 2002  Ath 1.3/64  120'/60
Zurich, 2002.08.10 - 2002.08.16
First serie , rounds 1-10, winner=Junior 5
                                Score     Ju Ta Ar Ya Li Li
 1: Junior 5.0                 7.5 / 10   XX 1= 1= == 1= 11
 2: Tao 5.4                    5.5 / 10   0= XX 1= 11 10 =0
 3: Aristarch 4.4              5.0 / 10   0= 0= XX == 11 01
 4: Yace 0.99.56               4.5 / 10   == 00 == XX 10 =1
 5: List 4.61                  4.5 / 10   0= 01 00 01 XX 11
 6: Little Goliath 2000 v3.7   3.0 / 10   00 =1 10 =0 00 XX
30 games: +12 =10 -8 (White wins, draws, losses)


RB 2002  Ath 1.3/64  120'/60
Zurich, 2002.08.17 - 2002.08.25
Second serie, rounds 11-20, winner=List 4.61
                                Score     Li Ju Ya Ar Ta Li
 1: List 4.61                  7.5 / 10   XX 11 =1 11 =0 =1
 2: Junior 5.0                 6.5 / 10   00 XX 11 11 10 1=
 3: Yace 0.99.56               4.5 / 10   =0 00 XX 10 =1 =1
 4: Aristarch 4.4              4.5 / 10   00 00 01 XX =1 11
 5: Tao 5.4                    4.0 / 10   =1 01 =0 =0 XX 0=
 6: Little Goliath 2000 v3.7   3.0 / 10   =0 0= =0 00 1= XX
30 games: +13 =8 -9 (White wins, draws, losses)


RB 2002  Ath 1.3/64  120'/60
Zurich, 2002.08.26 - 2002.09.03
Third serie, rounds 21-30, winner=Little Goliath 2000 v3.7
                                Score     Li Ju Li Ta Ar Ya
 1: Little Goliath 2000 v3.7   7.0 / 10   XX =1 10 01 11 =1
 2: Junior 5.0                 5.5 / 10   =0 XX 1= 11 =0 ==
 3: List 4.61                  5.5 / 10   01 0= XX 1= 1= 10
 4: Tao 5.4                    4.5 / 10   10 00 0= XX 01 11
 5: Aristarch 4.4              4.0 / 10   00 =1 0= 10 XX 01
 6: Yace 0.99.56               3.5 / 10   =0 == 01 00 10 XX
30 games: +9 =8 -13 (White wins, draws, losses)


RB 2002  Ath 1.3/64  120'/60
Zurich, 2002.09.04 - 2002.09.11
Fourth serie, rounds 31-40, winner=Yace 0.99.56
                                Score     Ya Ju Li Li Ar Ta
 1: Yace 0.99.56               7.0 / 10   XX 01 0= =1 11 11
 2: Junior 5.0                 6.5 / 10   10 XX =1 11 =0 =1
 3: List 4.61                  5.0 / 10   1= =0 XX 1= == =0
 4: Little Goliath 2000 v3.7   5.0 / 10   =0 00 0= XX 11 11
 5: Aristarch 4.4              4.5 / 10   00 =1 == 00 XX 11
 6: Tao 5.4                    2.0 / 10   00 =0 =1 00 00 XX
30 games: +11 =9 -10 (White wins, draws, losses)


RB 2002  Ath 1.3/64  120'/60
Zurich, 2002.09.11 - 2002.09.14
Fifth serie, round 41-50, winner=Aristarch 4.4
                                Score     Ar Ju Ya Ta Li Li
 1: Aristarch 4.4              7.0 / 10   XX 1= 01 10 11 =1
 2: Junior 5.0                 6.5 / 10   0= XX 10 11 1= =1
 3: Yace 0.99.56               6.0 / 10   10 01 XX 10 10 11
 4: Tao 5.4                    4.5 / 10   01 00 01 XX 0= 11
 5: Little Goliath 2000 v3.7   3.5 / 10   00 0= 01 1= XX 0=
 6: List 4.61                  2.5 / 10   =0 =0 00 00 1= XX
30 games: +11 =6 -13 (White wins, draws, losses)

