How to use
Chessmaster in Fritz-/Arena-GUI
Important Please have a look at the URL’s stated below to
understand this rather complex matter. If you do not
have the time to study this, you will not be able to run
The King engine in Fritz-/Arena GUI. Furthermore we know
from experience that The King is quite often not
implemented in the correct way and this of course leads
to completely wrong results of matches and unnecesary
discussions about a specific CM-setting. Below we have
given an example of the original CM9_T05 setting and two
fine working implementation methods. We highly recommend
Manfred Meiler’s pre-set-up method as the most simple
way. To create separate UCI-engines for each CM-setting
defined in the Wb2Uci.eng under [EXTRAS] should be
avoided at all cost. |
Wichtig Bitte vorerst die untenstehenden Homepages
besuchen, um die nicht ganz einfache Sache verstehen zu
können. Wer dafür keine Zeit hat, wird es nicht
schaffen, CM9 in die Fritz-/Arena GUI einzubinden. Aus
Erfahrung wissen wir, dass die Engine The King vielfach
falsch eingebunden wird. Das führt natürlich zu einem
anderen Spielverhalten mit nicht identischen Resultaten
in Matches mit den damit verbundenen unnötigen
Diskussionen. Unten geben wir das Beispiel des Orginal
CM9_T05 Settings und zwei sauber arbeitende Methoden, um
The King unter Fritz einzubinden. Wir empfehlen die
Manfred Meiler-Methode als die einfachste. Zu vermeiden
ist jedenfalls die andernorts propagierte Einbindung der
Settings unter [EXTRAS] in der Wb2Uci.eng
Cook book Odd Gunnar Malin
Method 1 (recommended) The King as UCI by Manfred Meiler to play
with Wb2Uci.eng
Method 2 (not
recommended) ChessBase
winboard adapter to play with InBetween.ini
Hash settings (tts and
ttu) -
ttu=0 -
When hash=512Kb tts=524288,
ttu=1 -
When hash=1Mb tts=1048576,
ttu=2 -
When hash=2Mb tts=2097152,
ttu=3 -
When hash=4Mb tts=4194304,
ttu=4 -
When hash=8Mb tts=8388608,
ttu=5 -
When hash=16Mb tts=16777216,
ttu=6 -
When hash=32Mb tts=33554432,
ttu=7 -
When hash=64Mb tts=67108864, ttu=8
Method 3 (do
never use this one)
[ENGINE] Name=The King
3.23 Author=Johan de
Koning Filename=Wb2Uci.exe
Program=TheKing3.23.exe InitString=cm_parm default\ncm_parm
opk=xxx HashCommand=cm_parm
tts=%i004096 ;ShowThinkingMove=true ;Logfile=true Visible=Ponder,Hash,ShowThinkingMove,Logfile,Extras
[EXTRAS] Opponents
Pawn (opp)=cm_parm opp=%i|spin|100|0|4500 Opponents Knight
(opn)=cm_parm opn=%i|spin|100|0|1500 Opponents Bishop
(opb)=cm_parm opb=%i|spin|100|0|1500 Opponents Rook
(opr)=cm_parm opr=%i|spin|100|0|900 Opponents Queen
(opq)=cm_parm opq=%i|spin|100|0|498 Kings Pawn (myp)=cm_parm
myp=%i|spin|100|0|4500 Kings Knight (myn)=cm_parm
myn=%i|spin|100|0|1500 Kings Bishop (myb)=cm_parm
myb=%i|spin|100|0|1500 Kings Rook (myr)=cm_parm
myr=%i|spin|100|0|900 Kings Queen (myq)=cm_parm
myq=%i|spin|100|0|498 Contempt (cfd)=cm_parm
cfd=%i|spin|0|-500|500 Strength (sop)=cm_parm
sop=%i|spin|100|0|100 Attack Defend (avd)=cm_parm
avd=%i|spin|0|-100|100 Randomness (rnd)=cm_parm
rnd=%i|spin|0|0|100 Selective Search (sel)=cm_parm
sel=%i|spin|9|0|16 Max Depth (md)=cm_parm md=%i|spin|999|0|999
My Centre Control (mycc)=cm_parm mycc=%i|spin|100|0|600 My
Mobility (mymob)=cm_parm mymob=%i|spin|100|0|600 My King Safety
(myks)=cm_parm myks=%i|spin|100|0|600 My Passed Pawn
(mypp)=cm_parm mypp=%i|spin|100|0|600 My Pawn Weakness
(mypw)=cm_parm mypw=%i|spin|100|0|600 Opponent's Centre Control
(opcc)=cm_parm opcc=%i|spin|100|0|600 Opponent's Mobility
(opmob)=cm_parm opmob=%i|spin|100|0|600 Opponent's King Safety
(opks)=cm_parm opks=%i|spin|100|0|600 Opponent's Passed Pawn
(oppp)=cm_parm oppp=%i|spin|100|0|600 Opponent's Weakness
(oppw)=cm_parm oppw=%i|spin|100|0|600
Example of a fine
working CM9-setting
**************************************************** CM9_T05.CMP Created
by Kurt Utzinger, Rolf Buehler [Setting under
CM9-GUI] ****************************************************
(Attack/Defender) [
0 ] M/P
(Material/Position) [ 0
] S/P (Strength of
Play) [ 100 ]
C/C (Control of Center) [ 105 ] Rand
[ 0 ] MOB
[ 110 ] MSD (Max Search Depth) [ 99
] K/S (King
[ 155 ] SS (Selective
Search) [ 12
] P/P (Passed
Pawns) [ 100
] C/D (Contempt for Draw) [ 0
] P/W (Pawn
Weakness) [ 100
OPPONENT Queen [ 9.1]
Queen [ 9.0] Rook [
5.0] Rook [ 5.0] Bishop
[ 3.0] Bishop [ 3.0] Knight [
3.0] Knight [ 3.0] Pawn
[ 1.0] Pawn [
************************* CM9_T05
textfile [for use outside
CM9-GUI] ************************* [ENGINE] Name=The King
3.23 Author=Johan de Koning, NED Filename=Wb2Uci.exe
[OPTIONS] Program=c:\programme\ubi soft\chessmaster
9000\TheKing.exe InitString=cm_parm default\ncm_parm
opk=57278 HashCommand=cm_parm
tts=%i004096 ShowThinkingMove=true ;Logfile=true Visible=Ponder,Hash,ShowThinkingMove,Logfile,Extras
[EXTRAS] Personality=<readfile>|combo|Default|Default|CM9_8777|CM9_Pillen|CM9_T05|CM9_SKR|CM9_Utz12n
and an example of the additional required textfiles for the
CM9_T05 setting whereby the Default.txt is anyway needed for this
;---- CM9_T05.txt ; A personality created by Kurt
Utzinger, Rolf Bühler cm_parm opp=100 opn=100 opb=100 opr=100
opq=100 cm_parm myp=100 myn=100 myb=100 myr=100
myq=101 cm_parm cc=105 mob=110 ks=155 pp=100 pw=100 cm_parm
cfd=0 sop=100 avd=0 rnd=0 sel=12 md=99 ;---- File
;---- Default.txt ; Default Chessmaster 9000
personality cm_parm opp=100 opn=100 opb=100 opr=100
opq=100 cm_parm myp=100 myn=100 myb=100 myr=100
myq=100 cm_parm mycc=100 mymob=100 myks=100 mypp=100
mypw=100 cm_parm opcc=100 opmob=100 opks=100 oppp=100
oppw=100 cm_parm cfd=0 sop=100 avd=0 rnd=0 sel=9 md=99 ;---
File end
***************************** CM9_T05
InitString= [for use outside
CM9-GUI] ***************************** [ENGINE] Name=The
King 3.23 SKR Author=Johan de Koning,
NED Filename=Wb2Uci.exe
[OPTIONS] Program=c:\programme\ubi
soft\chessmaster 9000\TheKing.exe InitString=cm_parm
default\ncm_parm opk=229570\ncm_parm tts=67108864 opp=100 opn=100
opb=100 opr=100 opq=100 myp=100 myn=100 myb=100 myr=100 myq=101
cc=105 mob=110 ks=155 pp=100 pw=100 cfd=0 sop=100 avd=0 rnd=0 sel=12
md=99 HashOnCommandline=false InitTime=2 Ponder=false Logfile=false Edit=setboard UseSAN=false Priority=normal AddHintMove=false ShowThinkingMove=true Protocol=1